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Consultation on the merger of Kymbrook Primary School and Kymbrook Pre-School

What are we consulting on?

The proposal for Kymbrook Primary School to merge with Kymbrook Pre-school from September 2025. Both the Governing Board for The Kymbrook and Thurleigh Federation and The Kymbrook Preschool Committee are in agreement with this proposal to merge.

In order to support early years in the community, Kymbrook Primary School would like to help develop and continue the growth of the pre-school. By sharing access to Kymbrook Primary’s facilities and expertise, we can create an even better seamless link between the two settings, so children have a smoother Early Years’ experience.

We would like to combine the expertise of Kymbrook Pre-School and Kymbrook Primary School to build on the strength and achievements of the pre-school.

Providing a safe, caring and fun environment for children to learn and grow, and ensuring their ongoing development in a secure and sustainable way without anxiety for families about transitioning to a whole new environment.

Even closer liaison between the staff of the two organisations will allow a focus on outcomes for the children, supported by a consistent and professional management structure.

The school and pre-school are situated close to each other on the same land (the pre-school children routinely use the school facilities such as the grounds).


How to have your say

Online via this link (with the link to the consultation survey)

If you wish to reply via a hard copy form, please email the Kymbrook Primary School office: or call 01234 376266 and this can be sent/given to you. 


What happens afterwards?

We will use the survey results to write a report to submit to the local authority (Bedford Borough Council) for approval, and we will be presenting a recommendation to the Early Years Reference Group. 


How will people obtain results from this public consultation?

The report written by the school will contain the results as an appendix and will be published on the school website with the outcome of the consultation. We will also put up notices/posters at the school gates to publicise the outcome and direct people to the school website for the full consultation results when ready.