October half term 2023

Wow, what a FABULOUS half term back in the woods it has been! Time really does fly when you are having fun!!
This half term the Oaks have started their Forest School journey with activities like making a potion, Journey sticks, Nature Bracelets and colour match activity! They have all done amazing and I am incredibly proud of them all!!
Willows have been amazing too!! They had a 2 hour forest school session as part of their Marvellous middle! We had a fire to link in with their literacy of the Great fire of London. We made marshmallows, drank hot chocolate and even cooked popcorn on the fire too! They also built dens, did a journey stick and digging as part of the topic 'Where my trainers take me'. It was such great fun!!
Chestnuts have been amazing too! Making dens and using the tools.
Ash have been just as busy with more structured activities of play Ranger Sansom's Treasure Stash game. I had lots of treasure, forest related, they were split into teams they had to send one person at a time to look at my treasure, remember it, run back to tell their team and then send another person. This sounds simple enough but to add to the game they had me guarding my treasure so I was flapping my arms about to distract them! Great fun! Also we did a great tie dye session with blackberries. The results were amazing! Look at pictures on our facebook page.
As a school to mark National Forest School Day we made a bug hotel! Oaks chose the location and stacked the pallets, Willows put in bricks, roof tiles, straw, pine cones and odd bits of wood, Chestnuts named it, designed a sign for it and added decorations and Ash chopped bamboo, put it in, added grass and sticks and then decorated it more! The bug hotel has been name as "Bug Shack" after the B52's song "Love Shack!". Brilliant!!! I look forward to seeing what happens and if we get some resident bugs move in over before the winter!
Have a wonderful half term and I look forward to the next half term. The season will really be turning from Autumn to winter so warm clothes will be needed.
Ranger Sansom X